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Tag: Qazvin

Qajar Bathhouse

As an ancient tradition, public bathhouses have been an important part of every city in Persia and there are numerous public bathhouses in cities and villages of Iran. As the technology advanced, most public bathhouses were abandoned. As a result, most of these hammams have turned in to ruins. There are a few remaining hammams […]

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Qazvin Jameh Mosque

The Congregational mosque of Qazvin, also known as Masjed Jāme-e Kabīr, is located on the western side of Shohada Street. The mosque is a real museum of Iranian-Islamic art, and architecture: including exquisite decorations and architectural plans from early centuries of Islamic period to the Qajar era. As the story goes, the mosque was built […]

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Assassin Castles

Assassin Castles

On the summit of a ragged peak in the Alborz Mountains there lies the ruins of one of history’s most fearsome secrets. Today, it towers above the sleepy village of Moallem Kalayeh in a secluded valley that has been all but forgotten by the outside world. But for centuries, the inhabitants of Alamut shaped the […]

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Tours of Iran


Alongside this beautiful statue, mountainous environment, the river passage with the name of Durand through the valley maze, restaurants, and small and small stalls, Imamzadeh Ibrahim and Sorghum Darband, the twin waterfall and the Shiripala sanctuary on the way to the conquest of Mount Peak. Other attractions and spectacular views this is a good neighborhood. […]

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Ovan Lake

Ovan Lake

  As 89th item registered in the list of national natural heritage of Iran, Ovan Lake (Evan Lake in some guide books) is a small alpine lake in Alamut region of Alborz range, in Qazvin province of Iran. Located 75 km from Qazvin and in a mountainous region, a lake has been created for nature […]

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