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Tag: Sassanid

Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System

Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System

Shushtar historical hydraulic system is a masterpiece to the fullest and represents the advancement of industry and technology in ancient Iran. Darius, the king of Achaemenid dynasty has begun the construction of this great structure, although it has been restored and completed in many years by various dynasties, including the Sassanid dynasty. The Ab-i Gargar canal […]

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Ganjali Khan Complex

Ganjali Khan Complex

Ganjali Khan Complex is a Safavid-era building complex, located in the old centre of city of Kerman, Iran. The complex is composed of, a square, a school, a caravanserai, a bathhouse, a mint, a mosque and a bazaar. The Ganjali Khan Complex was built by Ganjali Khan who governed Kerman, Sistan and Kandahar provinces from 1596 to 1621 under Safavid Shah Abbas I. A […]

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So, if you go to Iran, make sure you pay a visit to the magnificent Persepolis and Necropolis! Though evidence of prehistoric settlement at Persepolis has been discovered, inscriptions indicate that construction of the city began under Darius I the Great(reigned 522–486 BC). As a member of a new branch of the royal house, Darius made […]

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National Jewelry Museum

National Jewelry Museum

Tehran has many small and large buildings; old houses dating back some hundred to two hundred years ago to tall and luxurious towers that spend billions of dollars worth of construction. Take us to the capital of Ferdowsi Street, one of the busy and busy streets of the city, where there are a number of […]

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