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Tag: Kharbas Cave


The best parks in Tehran

The city of Tehran has various parks that have many beauties and facilities and are the best place for sports and entertainment. Tehran is not just crowded with traffic and noise; There are a number of stunningly beautiful parks with breathtaking views of the city, which can be an ideal place to relax and breathe […]

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Mellat park

One day I was coming back from a challenging job interview; I wished it was a place where I could relax a little and enjoy the commotion and bustle of life in people to be again get energy. Because I love the thrill of life that ripples through people, and that passion can only be […]

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Qeshm Kharbas Cave

Most people know this coastal city with its Qeshm water resorts or shopping malls. Despite the hot and sultry climate of Qeshm, few people are willing to go to such places and pass the many steps of Kharbas Cave, but if you know more about this cave, you may go up the stairs faster and […]

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