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Tag: Dune of the Jinn


Dune of the Jinn

A couple of hours away from Tehran, there is a great place that no Words to describe its beauties. The captivating beauty of the Rig-e Jenn located in the central desert of Iran can surprise you with the presence of so much interesting life in an apparently dead place. The Rig Jenn (Dune of the […]

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Rig-e Jenn

Rig-e Jenn

Eastern Iran is dominated by two vast deserts. In the middle of one of them – the Dasht-e Kavir – lies a vast and desolate place dominated by enormous sand dunes. This place is called Rig-e Jenn, which translates to “Dune of the Jinn”. A “jinn” is a spirit in Islamic culture and this place […]

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