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Tag: Shemshak


Dizin Ski Resort

Dizin is a ski resort situated to the north of Tehran in Alborz mountain range at Gajereh region, and is just 71 km. (43 miles) north of Tehran, Iran. The resort is accessible from Tehran by 2 roads, one is the upper road via Shemshak (71 Km. – This road is sometimes closed due to […]

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Darbandsar Ski Resort

Darbandsar ski resort is one of the private slopes in Iran; it is located in Darbandsar Village, 60 kilometers north east of Tehran in the middle of Alborz Mountain Range near Mount Damavand. Darbandsar ski resorts is the second largest in the country, and second most challenging ski resort after Shemshak. In fact, the Darbandsar […]

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