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Learn about the Kerman Rageh Valley

Learn about the Kerman Rageh Valley


Apart from being a wholly historical site, this earthly paradise, which was built from an erosion-like process in the core of Kerman soil, is now a pristine tourist destination that attracts many nature lovers and enchants them with its beauty ._Of course, if you wished to go to the valley’s center in the distant past, you were advised not to or to go with caution! Because if you don’t follow safety precautions, stones could fall on your head or create flooding. As a result, this valley has been known as the Valley of Death for a long time .Of course, I didn’t use the word “paradise” carelessly because one of the most beautiful and fantastic qualities of the Rageh Valley is that a river called “Guidari” flows at its bottom in the center of the desert, creating a lovely panorama. You must cross the river in some areas of the Rageh Valley, but because it is not very long and wide, other sections are dry and easy to cross.


Rageh Valley’s depth reaches 80 meters in certain places, and from above, it appears like you are plummeting towards heaven! But it’s best to be cautious and remember that the valley of death wasn’t named that way for no reason. Following the safety guidelines will transform your trip to Rage Valley from dreadful to fantastic.! Rageh Valley, near Rafsanjan in Kerman, brings you to the depths of thousands of years, where time seems to standstill. Let us remember that the Rage Valley began to form in the fourth geological period (Quaternary period), some 20,000 years ago, while the ice age was ending. In fact, after Qeshm and Aras, Rageh Valley is Iran’s third geopark, and its most unique feature, in addition to its endless beauty, is its length, which can reach up to 20 kilometres, making it seem as if it is slicing the planet in half and never-ending. It’s not going to happen! Of course, scientists claim that the Rageh Valley was formed in the desert by water and wind erosion and that parts of the valley are still being eroded and deformed today.


Parts of the Rageh Strait are made by pointed rocks, while conventional rocks produce others with long blades that can reach a height of 100 meters; rocks resemble large, craggy cliffs .If you want to visit the Rageh Valley, you must first travel to Kerman, then take the Rafsanjan-Kerman route. Cross the belt bridge and the Nasiriyah village signboard; a little distance, later on, you will come to a side road in front of the “Rafsanjan Formula Body Factory,” join the side road and drive 10 kilometres to Rageh Valley. Make sure to visit the Raghe Valley at the proper time of year and check the weather forecast ahead of time to ensure it will not be rainy or stormy because it has the potential to generate rocks and floods in the Ragha Valley and be extremely dangerous.


You will most likely have to cross a section of Rageh valley through water, with several twists and turns along the way; therefore, be sure to wear appropriate footwear and clothing. Travel with a carpenter and someone who has previously visited the Ragha Strait. You don’t want to trek through this valley alone or without a guide, and expect to find your way out !Rageh Valley is one of Kerman’s and Iran’s most prominent tourist destinations, with annual sky observation trips where you can marvel at the desert sky at night, with all its glories, grandeur, and star rain, and let your soul fly..

The Raghe Valley, rock climbing, and trekking are also must-do activities; of course, for such a job, you must be physically and mentally prepared and have the essential equipment. Now, whether you are a skilled photographer or a novice, you may snap unique images of both the desert nature of Iran and your exciting excursion while hiking and crossing its gorgeous shallow river

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