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Arous Lake

Arous Lake


In Gilan province’s Rudbar city, close to Tootkabon city, a village called Halimeh Jan. Arous Lake is located in the centre of this village, surrounded by gorgeous forest cover and rice fields. It is also known as “Halimeh Jan Lake,” which you are familiar with now.A lovely forest named Halimeh Jan covers the region around the lake. The forest’s reflection in the lake generates a beautiful sight that might be one of the most outstanding photographic subjects. One of the most excellent vistas for capturing memento shots is this lake and the surrounding woodland. Arous Lake is a haven for aquatic and amphibian life. You can see the turtles if you have a little patience. Most of the time, the sound of frogs can also be heard and seen. You can even see the cows and cattle of the villagers in this area. Of course, you need not be concerned because these household creatures will not hurt you.


Because this lake is not well-known, you will enjoy its natural beauty and pure atmosphere. The tranquillity of the bride’s lake welcomes you to unwind. The pure, fresh air of the forest and lake revitalizes your lungs. The aroma of rice paddies may be detected from a distance. Rural houses and traditional architectural styles have been preserved in this village, a tourist and ecotourism attraction.


This lake is located in Halimeh Jan village, Rahmatabad district, and blocks of Rudbar city, Gilan province. Halimeh Jan settlement is 30 kilometres northeast of Rudbar and 12 kilometres from Totkabon. Arous is one of Gilan Province’s most beautiful lakes. One of the most relaxing areas for staying in northern Iran is this lake and village. Although the amenities aren’t ideal, resorts and local eateries surrounding the lake were recently created owing to the efforts of the residents.


Halimeh Jan settlement, two kilometres from the lake, has an eco-lodge available for visitors and tourists. For a more pleasant vacation, you may also hire a rural property. However, we recommend staying near the lake and taking in the fresh air if you prefer camping. Because of the hot summers in northern Iran, it is best to visit this lake in the spring, between April and May. In addition, October, the season of a thousand colours of autumn, is an excellent time to visit the wedding lake and the brilliant woodland of Halimeh Jan.


Because this lake’s water is exclusively supplied by rain, it is best to visit during the summer when the lake is full of water. If you want to enjoy the pristine and relaxing silence of this lake, travel when there are no holidays or weekends. Arous Lake, like other lakes, is teeming with aquatic species and fish. Fishing may be on your mind till you hear the name of the lake. However, if you prefer fishing, you must go another route to Sefidrood, where fishing is free. Fishing is not permitted at Arous Lake to conserve the aquatic environment and safeguard the lake. Sefidrood is not far from Halimeh Jan hamlet and has a great view of Darfak mountain, which you may visit for a few minutes of fishing. When you visit the lake, you will note two distinct colours. We discussed why the bride’s letter was chosen for this lake at the beginning of this post. We stated that algae cover the water’s surface and that when the wind blows, the algae disappear. And when the wind blows, these algae go away, just like a wedding that removes the net from its face.The two colours of the lake are precisely why. Algae that cover the water’s surface and are blown away by the wind make the lake look like two colours.

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